Growth in 2022, and a strong position to take on 2023
Dear all,
As we come to the end of another year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments of our company, but also the challenges we’ve faced.
I am proud to say that Shipnet continues to grow in this highly competitive industry, for our 2nd consecutive year. There have been some significant changes within the business including, bringing in Harsha to lead our new Customer Support team, Natarajan as our new IT Manager, and Marcus as our new Sales Director (continuing to build on the success of our Sales team), alongside introducing a new CRM system, HubSpot, enabling the development of transparent and real time life cycle stages of the customer buying process (information that is crucial to developing our pipeline of opportunities).
Product and R&D have continued to work at pace to deliver new innovative solutions to further improve vessel and fleet management, with Support working hard to ensure all customer tickets are dealt with in a timely and efficient manner. Professional Services have consistently gone above and beyond to ensure each project is delivered as smoothly and effectively as possible, and our Customer Success team has gone to great lengths to listen to each customer and take feedback into the business, meaning they now have a far greater understanding of the needs of all our existing customers.
We have seen Shipnet going to market with an exciting, new brand and, through increased communication, we have enhanced our unique presence within the market. Our new website and the way we are approaching our customers, and the overall Shipping industry – in particular by demonstrating our culture and value and positioning ourselves as approachable and dependable – sets us apart from all our competitors. With our friendly tone of voice delivering messages regarding developments, as well as more informal pieces such as Jen’s fireside chats and our travels with Terje, no business within our sector is speaking to our market in quite the same way. Moreover, we have also successfully partnered with other innovative companies and collaborated closely with our existing customers to ensure ongoing success. In the coming years, the use of technology in the shipping industry is likely to become even more important. Our continued investment in development of our own technology and partnering with other businesses to create benefits for both sides, will be a key driver for our future success.
With this being said, we have gone through some challenging times and we may well see more in 2023. Shipping continues to be affected by the war in the Ukraine and the current financial crisis is making its impact felt around the world. We all know that there is a possible recession looming, and it’s key we all prepare ourselves to adapt to the world that may lie ahead. The encouraging sign for me here, is that we all at Shipnet positively adapted quickly during the COVID pandemic, so I know we can all do it once more again if we need to. This leads me to our culture and people….
In addition to our business achievements, I am proud of the culture we are continuing to build at Shipnet. We truly have a team of dedicated and diligent employees who are committed to our company and its success. I believe that our positive and supportive culture will be a major factor in our growth over the coming months and will continue to be an asset in the years to come. When I reflect on our new values of ‘Trust, Resolve and Approachability’, I can see just how important these really are and how the people who work at Shipnet embody these. These are not just words, but words to live by.
Looking ahead to the future, I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that await us. We will continue to work hard to build strong partnerships, serve our customers, and invest in technology and our people. I know that with our strong culture and commitment to learning and development, we will continue to succeed and grow.
Finally, and on a personal note, Shipnet would not be the business it is today without the people that work within it. So, I would like to say a big thank you, from me, to all of you. I am inspired by the dedication of the team and know that it is this that will make the next part of our journey together, a great one.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year and I hope you all get some quality time with family and friends.