Meet Shipnet and Helm at IWBS 2022
It’s been a little while since I’ve written about partnerships at Shipnet, and I wanted to revisit the topic ahead of our attendance at the International Workboat Show 2022 in New Orleans.
Our Dry Docking product continues to win new customers and positive reviews from commercial (i.e. blue water) shipping users. With that product now out in the market, we are also getting much interest from companies that are outside Shipnet’s traditional market.
The Dry Docking solution for anyone. Read more>>
Now, at Shipnet we really believe that knowing the industry is an essential part of serving your customers, so - rather than do our best to help people outside our area of expertise- we’ve set up some partnerships to serve sectors of shipping outside our own. In the instance I want to talk about today (and the reason for us attending IWBS 22) is to announce that Helm have agreed to partner with us to serve the workboats market. Those folks are brilliant people to work with,and deeply expert in that field, so we are hoping for great things.
They have also invited us to their (rather lovely) stand at IWBS- so: if you are going to be there, do please drop by, meet Helm and some of our team, and ask to see Dry Docking in the flesh. If you’ve not registered yet, you can do so here.
If you cannot make it to New Orleans, please drop me a line, and I’ll be happy to connect you to Dry Docking for a look yourself. But doing that in New Orleans would be more fun, wouldn’t it?
So, come and see us at the stand- no 2643, and enter the prize draw whilst you are there.
John Wills
VP Product

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