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Shipnet blog - Shipnet: A maritime family, revolutionizing fleet management with partnership opportunities

Written by Admin | May 24, 2023 2:29:36 PM

Shipnet: Where Maritime Passion and Expertise Unite

Shipnet is not just a company; it's a big family of maritime enthusiasts. We take immense pride in employing individuals with strong connections to the maritime industry. These are the very people who understand the challenges of running a fleet and know exactly what tools are needed to make it easier. That's why, after years of dedicated work, we developed what we see as our baby, fondly called Shipnet ONE, not the prettiest of names granted, but it has grown over the years and now, as a teenager, it's made us very proud parents,and is very helpful at organising every aspect of running your fleet.  

The Symphony of Shipnet One

When trying to remember all the components of Shipnet ONE, I produced the initialism FACTSPD, again, not the best name, but works for me, this stands for Financial, Accounting, Commercial, Technical, Safety, Procurement and Dry Docking. Each of these components can sing on their own but when combined, they create a harmonious symphony that resonates with the audience; ship owners and operators.

Now, I know this all sounds flowery and poetic, and you might be wondering if this post is for you,well, here's the thing: our teenage prodigy Shipnet ONE is about to expand their capability and trust me, we're excited about that too!

Integrations: A Perfect Harmony

In the meantime, let me assure you that Shipnet One plays exceptionally well with others through APIs. It already has a bunch of friends in the form of integrations (check out our integrations page!). So, if there's a specific functionality you need that isn't currently in Shipnet, chances are we have apartner who can fulfil that requirement and seamlessly bring the data back into Shipnet. And if none of our friends fit the bill, don't worry - we're open to suggestions. Just let us know who we should collaborate with, and we'll make it happen.

Could you enhance and expand Shipnet's offerings?

Now, as the new Partner Manager at Shipnet, I'm here to make a request (and no more parables, I promise - it gets weird!). We're actively seeking resellers who have the skills and expertise to distribute parts or the entire ShipnetSuite. We're also on the lookout for ecosystem partners who offer services that can enhance and expand the Shipnet offering, ultimately benefiting ourcustomers.

If you fall into either of these categories and you're interested in learning more about working with Shipnet, please visit our new partner page and use the booking link to schedule a chat. I'm excited to connect with you!


Matt Allpress
Channel Manager