We want to make life for you easier to help you get on with the rest of your day. Life is hard enough without adding to hassle we could well do without.
Introducing Documents SE
Documents SE is built by mariners, for mariners. Have a look and see how it can help you with these key features:

Simple sharing and seamless collaboration
Shipnet empowers teamwork with dynamic content management and collaboration. Share newly created documents, IMO circulars, safety flashes, or even manufacturers’ manuals for shipboard equipment across your organisation. Customise templates to streamline the format of documentation so that everyone working on different documents can make use of common themes, the look and feel, and take complete control using document variables that dynamically update content on the document. Collaborate effortlessly and securely with team members inside your organisation.
Engage and inform your organisation
Build cohesion and inform your office colleagues as well as seafarers throughout your intranet. Built for the uniqueness within the marine operating environment, seafarers who are on leave and are scheduled to join one of your vessels can be given access in a click to read the policies and procedures as applicable to them before joining - ensuring an increase in competency onboard your vessels.

Transform Business Processes
Accelerate productivity by transforming processes—from simple tasks like notifications and approvals to complex operational workflows. With Shipnet's built-in notification and approval workflows, you can create new content or revise existing content and collaborate with your colleagues to take it live. Shipnet also keeps track of readership across your fleet so that you can drive accountability and ensure everyone is familiar with your company policies and procedures.

Harness Collective Knowledge
You’re just a click away from what you are looking for, with powerful search and intelligent ways to find the relevant policies, procedures, or other information within the Safety Management System. Shipnet's rich content management, along with valuable property tags enable your organisation to maximize the velocity of knowledge not only in your office but across all your management vessels.

Want to find out more about how Documents SE can help your business? Get in touch with us to find out more.